Działy Forum => Kuchnia Optymalna. => Wtek zaczty przez: vvv 2015-07-31, 03:49:40

Tytu: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: vvv 2015-07-31, 03:49:40
Czas na kolejne chińskie wio:

Chińskie kiełbaski
<img src="">

W największym skrócie:

- receptura od mamy
- namoczyć jelita przez noc

- mięso wieprzowe 20 do 30% tłuszczu (szynka+boczek)
- sól 30g/kg
- cukier 30g/kg
- wódka 55%-owa 30g/kg

- mięso pociąć na plastry 4cm x 4cm x (3 do 4)mm
- wymieszać wszystko porządnie przy pomocy obu dłoni
- przykryć misę folią plastikową i wstawić na 12h do lodówki

- nabić jelita (jest na filmie jak użyć lejka z butelki PET)
- powiązać 15cm kiełbaski
- po-nakłuwać igłą, zwłaszcza bąble powietrza
- powiesić w przewiewnym miejscu w cieniu na 10 do 15 dni

- długo dobrze dusić na parze
- kroić w plastry
- zjadać

Porządna obróbka termiczna wydaje się mieć kluczowe znaczenie
by nie obawiać się jadu kiełbasianego.

Niby film jest z napisami, ale nie są one podzielone na krótkie frazy,
więc mogą wyświetlać się dziwnie,
więc może warto najpierw na spokojnie przeczytać,
by wiedzieć na co patrzeć.

00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:02,000
Hi everyone, today I am going to show you how to make Chinese sausage.

00:00:03,000 --> 00:00:15,000
When talking about sausage, I think every family has its own taste. I learned this recipe from my Mother. It is one of my favorite tastes.

00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:30,000
The seasonings are very simple. I did not add any spices into the sausage but only salt, sugar, and hard liquor to keep its original flavor. You can also add some spices based on your own taste.

00:00:31,000 --> 00:00:47,000
First, we need to wash the pork casings. Usually store bought casings were salt-cured. Wash away the salt on the surface and soak in water. Prepare the casings one day ahead and soak them overnight. In this way, the salt and odor can be removed.

00:00:48,000 --> 00:01:01,000
Now let's talk about the meat. I use some pork leg and some pork belly. Wash the meat and pad it dry. Cut it into 4cm x 4cm x 3~4mm slices.

00:01:03,000 --> 00:01:24,000
I have already removed the skin. Most of time, only port leg is enough. But the pork leg that I use today is too lean. So I added some pork belly to adjust its texture. Usually the meat mixture contains 20-30% fat. Cut both meat into slices and put them into a bowl.

00:01:26,000 --> 00:02:13,000
Now let's season the meat mixture. First, add the salt. Then add sugar and hard liquor. Today I use a Chinese liquor called "Er-guo-tou" 55% alcohol. Mix them well. The weight of salt, sugar, and hard liquor each constitutes 3% of the weight of meat mixture. Today I used a total of 2.5 kilograms of meat. Salt, sugar and hard liquor weigh 75 grams respectively. After putting all the seasonings, use both hands to mix it well. Massage the meat so that the flavors can be well combined. Cover the bowl with a piece of plastic wrap. Put it into the refrigerator to let the meat mixture marinate for half a day. After the meat mixture marinated in the fridge for half a day, it is ready to make the sausage.

00:02:14,000 --> 00:02:44,000
Now let's see the tools that we will use to make the sausage. We will need a funnel, a small rolling pin, some cotton threads, and a needle. You can buy the funnel from If you are unable to find one, just cut a plastic bottle and use the bottleneck part.

00:02:45,000 --> 00:04:17,000
Attach one end of the casing to the funnel and tie it up. Stuff the marinated meat mixture in the funnel. Use the rolling pin to push the meat mixture down to the casing. You can also tie up several chopsticks and use it instead of the rolling pin. But based on my experience, the small rolling pin is the best. Use the rolling pin to push the meat mixture along the curve of the funnel. Then use your hands to push away the meat mixture to release the pressure. Be careful do not push it too hard otherwise the casing would easily tear apart.

00:04:18,000 --> 00:05:37,000
When you think the length is okay, tie off the other end of the casing. Make sure to push air out before tying up. Usually we tie the casing into 15cm links. Push the meat mixture firmly in each link to make the sausage chewy since the meat mixture will dehydrate later. After finishing tying up all the sausage links, remove the end of casing from the funnel and tie it up. Cut off the remaining casing.

00:05:41,000 --> 00:06:24,000
Use a needle to prick the air bubbles between each link. Doing this is to remove all the air since the casing will shrink after drying. If there were air bubbles in the links, the casing would easily tear apart. Also, the meat mixture around the air bubbles would easily go bad because those areas are hard to dry. Make sure to prick all the links to remove the air.

00:06:25,000 --> 00:07:01,000
Then, hang the sausage links in a ventilated place to let it dry. It usually takes 10-15 days depending on weather in your area and your like.  Make sure the place is without direct sun exposure and always kept ventilated. Do not put the sausages inside room with heaters turned on. When I shoot this video, my pre-made sausages have been dried for about 10 days. It is not done yet, but the taste is already good. After 10-15 days, cut a link off, steam it until well done. Slice it into pieces and they are ready to eat.

00:07:02,000 --> 00:07:45,000
This is the way that I make Chinese sausages. It is very easy. In regards of seasonings, you can put anything you like based on your preferences. You can add chili peppers, Sichuan peppercorns, five spices etc. The sausages I made today are my favorite, without any spices, and full of flavor. It is not too salty and you can taste a slight winy flavor and the sweetness of pork. Hope you like this recipe for Chinese New Year. Thanks for watching.


Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: Diogenes z Synopy 2015-11-18, 15:41:13
W październiku 1995 roku dziennikarze "Gazety Wyborczej" w reportażu "Co to za mięso? Psina" cytują inspektor Towarzystwa Opieki nad Zwierzętami w Jaworznie. "Są w mieście rodziny, które od pokoleń jedzą psy. Mięso jest delikatne, chudziutkie i kruche jak cielęcinka. Nie ma wcale żył ani chrząstek. A zapach po usmażeniu tak intensywny, aż ślinka cieknie. Za 90 złotych można u miejscowych lumpów kupić litr psiego sadła. Jest przezroczyste i nawet w lodówce się nie ścina. Kupują to gruźlicy. Łyżkę psiego łoju trzeba rozpuścić w mleku i wypić duszkiem. A cierpiący na chorobę Buergera używają go do smarowania gnijących ran. Podobno pomaga" - wyjaśniała dziennikarzom

Kocie mięso tak samo odżywcze, jak stek wołowy"

Kot na szczęście Afryce, pies na ochłodę i "męskość" w Azji

Japończycy zajadają się koniną. Polacy nie, bo konie kojarzą z husarią

Kawia jak królik, niskotłuszczowy nietoperz i smak na bociana

Świerszcz w czekoladzie, szczur najlepiej grillowany,13,271

Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: renia 2015-11-18, 16:24:25
A co wegetarianie na to... :roll:

Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: Blackend 2015-11-18, 18:23:29
Patrzą i cierpią.  :?  8)

Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: renia 2015-11-18, 19:12:15
Paczą  :shock: i płaczą  :cry:

Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: Blackend 2015-11-18, 19:54:22
Taka karma. ;)

Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: renia 2015-11-18, 20:13:08

Tytu: Odp: Chińskie kiełbaski
Wiadomo wysana przez: Diogenes z Synopy 2015-11-18, 20:17:52
To przez tofu?   :shock:  ;-) | Dziaajce na SMF 1.0.8.
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