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Autor Wtek: Surowe jedzenie  (Przeczytany 137847 razy)

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #20 : 2008-03-21, 11:10:01 »

My ludzie różnimy się od zwierząt, między innymi tym, że mamy w ręku ogień i możemy go wykorzystać do gotowania i pieczenia potraw. Czy zdrowiej na surowo to nie wiem, ale na pewno bezpieczniej gotowane i pieczone.

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #21 : 2008-03-22, 15:43:19 »

, ciekawy jestem jednakże Waszej opinii na temat jedzenia  surowego mięsa , jajek i inn.


Ja nie wyobrażam. sobie pieczonego tatara z żółtkiem i sardynka.

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #22 : 2008-03-24, 17:39:35 »

Smile Tatar z żółtkiem ,cebulką,ogóreczkiem kiszonym i odrobiną jabłka...PYCHOTKA !!! Smile  ale skąd ci ta sardynka przyszła do głowy Smile)) i nie uwierzę ,że sardynka jest surowa Razz
Tatara uwielbiam , surowego rzecz jasna

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #23 : 2008-03-25, 07:41:46 »

A tu kolejny jaskiniowiec wyjadający szpik z surowego gnata.  Laughing >>

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #24 : 2008-03-25, 07:50:41 »

Aajonus Vonderplanitz ekspert od surowego żarcia >

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #25 : 2008-03-25, 07:52:35 »

Wywiad z Ajonusem >

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #26 : 2008-03-25, 08:00:03 »

A tu kolejny jaskiniowiec ...

To dla niektórych świetna antyreklama jedzenia mięsa. Na wegetariańskich forach link by się bardzo podobał  Very Happy
A z drugiej strony jeśli ktoś chce jeść na surowo, to co inni obrabiają kulinarnie, to czemu nie?. Szczególnie, gdy jest pełnoletni... i jeszcze do tego jeśli dzięki "surowemu jedzeniu" ma "końskie zdrowie" - wypada pogratulować Very Happy

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #27 : 2008-03-25, 08:46:47 »

No to jest zastanawiające. Facet w tym wywiadzie pisze, że wyleczył się z autyzmu, raka, dysleksji, osteoporozy i multum innych chorób jedząc góry surowego tłuszczu i mięsa. Teoretycznie tak słaby organizm powinien przecież nałapać tych osławionych pasożytów, bakterii i wykorkować...

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #28 : 2008-03-25, 09:53:17 »

Teoretycznie tak słaby organizm powinien przecież nałapać tych osławionych pasożytów, bakterii i wykorkować...

Teoretycznie pasy bezpieczeństwa i poduszki powietrzne nie są potrzebne, bo nie każdy kierowca ginie śmiercią tragiczną. Statystycznie jest głupotą umieszczanie tych gadżetów w autach. Statystycznie głupotą jest też jeździć bez pasów, gdy auto jest w nie wyposażone. Dlatego dla niektórych musi być przepis nakazujący jazdę w pasach. Przymusu jedzenia na sutowo - nie ma, bo tylko nielicznym wydaje się to słusznym sposobem ... na zdrowie Wink

A z Dietą Optymalną jest dokładnie tak jak pisze "zdrowa babcia" -   Very Happy

 "Bo to nie dieta tylko prawidlowe odżywianie! Aby się wypowiadac o DO trzeba
coś o tym wiedzieć. A najlepiej sprawdzic na sobie jak ja: 10-ty rok na DO -
wszystkie wyniki w normie, waga należna, nigdy nie choruję! A przed DO ledwo
zipałam. DO jest dla tych którzy chcą! Kto nie chce nie musi! I tyle.

Zdrowa babcia 65".

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #29 : 2008-03-25, 21:39:58 »

wrzucę więc i ja ponownie swoje trzy grosze.
cytat z poprzedniego postu na ten temat:
Ale nie poruszono w tym momencie - moim zdaniem - podstawowej kwesti/zalety jedzenia surowizny, mianowicie - enzymow.
Istota jedzenia surowizny jest ponoc fakt spozywania gotowych enzymow. Czyli to o czym lek. med. Kwasniewski wielokrotnie pisze w swoich publikacjach jako wielka zaleta. Ale teoretycznie enzymy ulegaja rozkladowi w temp. od 60C w zwyz. Stad tez pomysl na jedzenie surowego pokarmu pochodzenia zwierzecego (w szczegolnosci surowego miesa) nie przetworzonego termicznie.
Kto sie wiec myli, albo kto ma racje ?

Jak to jest Toan z tymi enzymami - pytam sie bez cienia zlosliwosci, sam jadam od czasu do czasu surowe mieso - skoro sa rozkladane powyzej 60C ?


Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #30 : 2008-03-26, 07:54:41 »

Życiorys Ajonusa (fragmnt z wywiadu) >
I was born very sickly into a violent household. I had a brother who was still in diapers when I was born. He went from having had mother's full attention to having none and he never forgave me for it. He tortured me nearly daily. My father's discipline put me in the hospital several times.
My dyslexia and autism, which no one understood at the time, embarrassed and frustrated my parents. My dyslexia was to the extent that the printed page would swirl and I got vertigo. If I tried to read I would vomit. I tried holding the page down with my finger but my parents and teachers would not let me. Because I was borderline autistic and sickly I rarely played with other children.
Near my 10th birthday I developed peritonitis which was a severe intestinal infection. Doctors misdiagnosed it as appendicitis. When they discovered that my appendix was fine, they took it out anyway "in case it causes you problems in the future".

My bones were brittle, and I regularly broke bones in my limbs. I was diagnosed as borderline diabetic at 13. I developed angina pectoris muscle spasms in and around the heart by age 15½. I was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at that age.
At 19 I developed an ulcer that turned tumorous after medical therapies. After surgery the incision turned tumorous from outer skin to stomach. It was large. Doctors ordered it irradiated. and that caused me to develop Multiple Myeloma (blood and bone cancers). Multiple Myeloma survivors are less than 0.01%. Doctors ordered chemotherapy, which is like napalming the body, destroying mostly healthy cells to try and eliminate a few cancer cells. For every cancer cell that is killed by chemotherapy, 1 billion healthy cells are killed. That is like killing everybody on the planet because you don't like 6 people.
The chemotherapy made me a semi-invalid, and gave me psoriasis and bursitis. I refused to continue chemo after 3 months. I chose to die rather than be completely crippled for the rest of my short life. At that point I had had 7 "incurable" diseases.

A volunteer for a hospice gave me a small booklet written by a woman who cured herself of cancer by drinking raw carrot juice. I thought that was pretty bizarre and unrealistic. But read the book anyway. I tried the carrot juice.
Within 10 days my dyslexia vanished. There I was at 22 years old never having read more than 20 pages of a book, finally able to read. I read voraciously about diets and nutrition. If I went 7-10 days without drinking the raw carrot juice dyslexia returned.
I experimented with diets, food-combining and sometimes supplements. The macrobiotic diet seemed to put my cancers in remission but exacerbated my diabetes and psoriasis.
I began experimenting with helping people who had health problems. I experienced some spectacular healing with raw foods, especially with enormous consumption of raw fat, like raw cream from cows, in combination with vegetable juices.

By my 25th birthday I was eating totally raw food vegan-fruitarian style. At 27 after 2 years eating completely raw, I had enough energy to go wild, even though I was regularly so hungry as a raw-food vegan/fruitarian that sometimes I overate until I vomited.
I mounted a bicycle and peddled for 2½ years all over North America from coast to coast and from Alaska to Central America. I lived off the earth. sleeping on the ground, or in trees when it rained. and picking fruit off plants. All of the physical stress that came from traveling and living in the elements helped burn up all of the sugar from fruitarianism.
Osteoporosis became apparent, but I did not then as I should have attribute it to the demineralization caused by large fruit consumption. I felt euphoric most of the time I did not realize that my extreme highs were mania created excessive fruit.

I searched for answers to complete healing. I wanted to reverse the damage done by medical therapies and not ever be bothered by any of my lingering diseases. I knew that I would not find answers in a society that postulated dictums based on theory. I wanted experience to be my teacher. I lived with somewhat primitive people learning their healing and dietary techniques. I observed healthy animals for weeks at a time.

After 2½ years my cancers resurged. Rather than fight it. I chose to die. I selected an old Native American burial ground and began fasting myself to death. After several weeks fasting I had an unusual experience with coyotes. They gave me a freshly killed wild jackrabbit. I thought it would kill me if I ate it raw. (I had been told by all of my medically and scientifically minded relatives that wild rabbits contained bacteria or virus that would kill a human.) I knew that fasting to death could take at least 60 days. I wanted to end my life more quickly, so I ate the rabbit raw. I returned to my campsite and lay down to die expecting severe stomach cramps that I was told accompanied bacterially or virally contaminated food. I felt euphoric, calm and happy. I thought that I was leaving my diseased body because I felt so good.

But I woke the next morning having had the first completely restful sleep of my life. I was nearly age 30. I began hunting. I ate rattle-snakes and birds. I worked farms for raw milk, cream, eggs and chickens. Within a few months I felt robust and strong.

I returned to Los Angeles to spread the wonderful news. Everybody thought that I had lost my mind. Over the next year my health increased by leaps and bounds because of the addition of raw meat to my raw diet.
However because of misinformation about foodborne illness from bacteria and parasites I ate raw meat only two or three times a week usually fish or chicken. I always ate it with the fear that there would be a time when bacteria or parasites would sicken and kill me.
I began to jog then run. I ran up to 13 miles, did 250 pushups with my feet 2-3 feet off the ground, and 30 handstand pushups every day for 1 year. Because I had been so weak throughout my life and at this point I could do so much I felt invincible. People commented on how extraordinarily healthy I looked.

I was hired by a health food store as the nutritionist. A few people listened and tried the raw meat, fish and chicken. Their increased health was always remarkable.

O suplementach podobnie jak Kwaśniewski i Weston >

I experimented with supplements. The more supplements I consumed the weaker I got. I realized within 6 months that supplements were toxic on a raw diet. Over the 2-year period I observed that most people who took megavitamin therapy developed toxic livers and glands. It showed up in their irises as well as temperaments and physical condition. But because they experienced an increase in energy. they thought it beneficial. Their highs were from toxic emergencies - the liver sending out hormones calling forth glycogen to handle the toxicity.
Supplement-toxicity is similar to coffee or cigarettes, most often producing debilitating side effects. It destroyed my desire and ability to exercise. I never returned to exercise and yet I developed and redeveloped the physique that accompanies strenuous regular exercise.

O głodówkach negatywnie >

I stopped fasting when I realized that the side effects of forced-fasting were greater than the benefits.

Eznzymy >

In order for the body to handle the altered chemicals and compounds in cooked food the body must create enzymes that will utilize them to the best of its ability. Because these enzymes are very different from those naturally made from and for the utilization of raw food, I call them enzyme mutations. If the body cannot make the enzyme mutations to utilize adulterated nutrients caused by cooking, allergies will develop as more of the non-utilizable chemicals and compounds collect in the body.


Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #31 : 2008-03-26, 07:57:39 »

Pasożyty i bakterie to mit ? Wg Ajonusa pomagają jedynie oczyścić organizm z toksyn i chorych tkanek. Kiedy organizm zostanie oczyszczony pasożyty nie mają co jeść i zdychają. Shocked

You state that parasites are a myth ……

The parasite myth is that they are pathogenic always. It has been my experience that parasites are able to eat and digest tremendous quantities of decaying tissue in short periods: that is a detoxification process. When an individual has parasites. s/he is afforded the quickest process of detoxification. However, unless s/he eats enough and assimilates enough protein to regenerate cells and replace the tissue, s/he is more likely to have ulcers that may fester and kill her/him. I have found that with the consumption of raw meats that provide the nutrients necessary for quick regeneration parasites are beneficial. By the use of antibiotics, strains of bacteria and viruses have developed that are immune to all known antibiotics. Medical science has discovered that bacteria and viruses can mutate, becoming immune to existing antibiotics. This is creating a very weak race. Basically, medical science creates a weak human race that will be highly susceptible to advanced bacteria and viruses. This could likely result in a plague that would make any previous plague look minor, resulting in an extinction level event.

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #32 : 2008-03-26, 07:59:08 »

Nowa teoria chorób. Bakterie i virusy to jedynie skutek toksemii organizmu a nie przyczyna. >

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #33 : 2008-03-26, 09:03:06 »

Pasożyty >

Joel Weinstock, a gastroenterologist who heads a research team at University of Iowa, said, "We're the first population never to experience [gut] worms. He asked six patients with intractable inflammatory bowel-disease to quaff worm-eggs in a liquid solution, specifically the eggs of Trichurissuis, a whipworm (parasite that looks like a whip) normally found in pigs. Within about two weeks, five of the six patients went into remission - for up to five months. The patients were begging for more parasites.

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #34 : 2008-03-26, 09:04:06 »

Interestingly, Weinstock noted that intestinal problems are increasing in animals as well. Pigs, which are now raised in clean pens, are getting sick. So are some species of captive monkeys that are kept too clean.


Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #35 : 2008-03-26, 10:08:47 »

  W temacie surowego jedzenia (to ważne ) zapewne chodzi o prawidłowy zakres równowagi pH o której pisze np. dr Michalak  - chodzi o nadmiar węglowodanów czy białek w diecie i wpływu zakwaszenia na organizm.
„Otóż prof. Enderlein ze Szczecina odkrył w latach 20-tych XXwieku, że we wszystkich komórkach i we krwi wszystkich kręgowców bytują sobie od milionów lat dwa gatunki drobnoustrojów: Aspergillus Niger i Mucor Racemosus. Przy prawidłowym pH w stanie zdrowia obserwuje się we krwi przede wszystkim prymitywne formy niepatogenne. Zakwaszenie środowiska sprawia, że przechodzą one w większe formy patogenne, które są na tyle cwane, że produkują odpowiednio kwas cytrynowy i mlekowy, by podtrzymać korzystne dla siebie kwaśne środowisko. Szybkość przechodzenia jednych form w drugie liczona jest w godzinach, więc wahania proporcji poszczególnych form mogą być w ciągu doby dość duże w zależności od zmian pH związanych z odżywianiem i oddechem”.

Ps. W temacie „pH” i „toksemii” chodzi o krążenie we krwi toksyn bakteryjnych.
W 1908r dr. Osler wysunął teorię infekcyjnej przyczyny powstawania miażdżycy, chodzi o wykrycie Chlamydia pneumoniae w płytkach miażdżycowych. Poza tym wszystkie gatunki Chlamydiae są bezwzględnymi wewnątrzkomórkowymi pasożytami które  do swojego rozwoju wykorzystują ATP komórki gospodarza. 

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #36 : 2008-03-26, 12:58:14 »

"Patogeny" i bakterie usuwają wadliwe komórki (w tym raka)  >

The micro-science that studies “pathogens” is relatively new (50  years) and obviously flawed.  New research (20 years) has been and is being performed proving that “pathogens” are responsible for reversal of cancer, and possibly for cancer prevention. Dr. K Brooks Low of  Yale University reported that he has used salmonella (a genus of bacteria believed to cause food-poisoning) to shrink tumors and reverse cancer.

  As part of her doctoral studies in Toronto, Canada, Dr. Sara Arab (now a clinical fellow in Medical Genetics) injected verotoxin (bacterial byproduct) from E.coli (a genus of bacteria found in bowels and feces also believed to cause food-poisoning) directly into human astrocytoma (malignant tumors of the brain) that had been grown in mice. After a single injection, within 7-15 days both the tumors and their blood-vessels completely dissolved.

  Bacteria and virus are naturally present in the company of degenerative tissue but not the cause of degenerative tissue. They are the cleanup-crew for degenerative tissue. Do you blame vultures, crows and worms for the death of the dying carcasses they find and feed on?

  Louis Pasteur, on his deathbed, rejected his work against microbes by  stating that the environment that hosts microbes is the problem, not the microbes.


Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #37 : 2008-03-26, 13:29:46 »

Jasne!, a na rany to najlepiej się przykłada larwy Musca Lucilla (mucha plujka)  Wink

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #38 : 2008-03-26, 14:47:18 »


Nikt nie mowi o skrajonosciach.

Gdy ktos w internecie pisze nt DO bzdury typu "jasne, zjem dziennie 2 kostki smalcu i niby bede zdrowy" to cie to nie irytuje?

Odp: Surowe jedzenie
« Odpowiedz #39 : 2008-03-26, 14:59:17 »


Nikt nie mowi o skrajonosciach.

Gdy ktos w internecie pisze nt DO bzdury typu "jasne, zjem dziennie 2 kostki smalcu i niby bede zdrowy" to cie to nie irytuje?

Cudza głupota mnie nie irytuje, tylko własna  Confused, ale bez specjalnych boleści  Wink
A musze larwy na surowo są pożywniejsze nawet od pieczonego mięsa.
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